Wednesday, September 14

GovTech 2011

This year's GovTech exhibition in Durban started on 11 September and ends 14 September. It is being hosted by the State IT Agency (SITA) for the sixth time since its launch in 2006. According to Blake Mosley-Lefatola, CEO of SITA, ‘GoveTech has always proven an important ICT knowledge hub that offers world-class best practices and case-studies that stimulate innovation and research in the ICT field.’ (source: saitnews)

I didn’t attend any of the workshops or talks given and in that respect I cannot attest to the above .  I did however get the opportunity see the exhibition and whilst there were gadgets in the venue, I found innovation to be lacking. Most of the companies displayed what they did through laptops, plasma screens and tablets but very few actually demonstrated their technology in a manner that was fresh and stimulating. My sentiments were shared by a number of visitors who had been to previous exhibitions. I fully embrace the concept of public sector transformation through technology however delivery capabilities demonstrated at GovTech where underwhelming.  Why boast about technology and then not harness it? Or maybe it's because I'm not the target audience?

Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C

Dimension Data came through with the excitement and held a legendary party on Monday night which I only heard about the morning. Sometimes I'm not so fast on the draw myself. Eish!

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