Monday, May 23

Totally Dope

Seeing as the 17th SAMA awards were held in Jozi this year, and we didn’t crack an invitation, my cousin and I decided to go and have dinner at Montecasino.  The plan was to see if we could attend any of the after parties later in the evening.  Once the ceremony was over the after party queues were either thoroughly shambolic or the access armband hard to come by. We eventually decided to call it an evening but after spending some time trying to locate our vehicles in the parking lot and failing, we were forced to go back into casino complex to retrace our steps.  The sad part is I was not even drinking.
Anyway, we go down the escalators, turn a corner and there is Bruce ‘Dope’ Sebitlo.  We all go back since the early 90’s and therefore had no shame about asking to tag along to wherever the Kalawa Jazmee crew was going to be.
Winebar @ Monte is where it went down for me. No entrance free. No guest list.
Jairus 'Jakarumba'
Bad Boy T
Brown Dash & Spikiri
Bruce 'Dope' Sebitlo
C: Robbie Malinga R: Oskido

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