Thursday, June 14

Markex 2012

I attended the last day of the Markex World of Events exhibition on Thursday (14/06) after hearing about it from the remarkable Shizeeda OsmanWe only spent a couple hours at the exhibition and here is some of what we encountered on the ground floor. 

A section of Pendoring 2012 flyer
Entries for the Pendoring 2012 Awards are open and communication agencies are encouraged to submit their creative work as per the submission criteria, which can be found on their website.

For party people who like to keep things intimate, The Ultimate Bus could be for you.  According to the pamphlet the double-decker bus can host a party of 90 at any given time and, it continues, that the dance poles are for the passengers safety.  I always wondered it was a permanent fixture on party buses. 

The Bar
The thing is though we averaged a height of 1.7cm and couldn’t stand fully upright in the bus. But then again I’ve never partied on a moving bus and maybe it’s better to do it seated.

Then there was the Grow A Tree exhibition. They sell  starter packs, that grow a range of indigenous trees, to the public/corporate sector that also has the option to buy Grow A Tree learning kits on behalf of school children.  Alternatively one can sponsor a tree that is grown under supervision for two years thereafter to be donated to a community of area needing it the most.

There were other little gems that we experience but then the were those exhibitors whose concepts made no sense to some of us.  The second floor will have to be for next year, God willing.

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