Thursday, October 11

Where I'm From

The greatness of our country has diminished in proportions I could have never imagined just four years ago. Some the high-level government representatives would have me believe President Zuma has a grand plan for country for when he wins a second term. His first term, they say, has been about assessment and preparation for a second term.

I don’t buy the explanation all. Should there come a time in the near future where I must eat my words of doubt, I will do so happily.  As observed by Justice Malala the current state of affairs in Mzansi show that the eat-my-words dish is one I may defer for some time to come. Earlier on I was an advocate to President Zuma coming into office - this support has since been replaced with disbelieve and disappointment in his leadership style, which in turn effects his administration.

If there is indeed a grand plan then I pray is led by a decisive, inclusive President (whom ever that might) that is committed to closing the gap between the haves and the have-nots. Reviving a system where public service positions are allotted based on merit and not cronyism. There are so many people who would love to see South Africa excel, people who are prepared to put in the work necessary to achieve this end.

Our government, on the other hand, seems to under estimate the power of sound leadership. It seems to miss how peace is only attainable when the overwhelming majority has access to basic amenities and resources. The bickering, the retaliation, the squander of resources, the indifference, the non-accountability and other counter-productive theatrics must stop. We have a nation to build.

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