Friday, September 21

Cocktail Thursday

A table at DW Eleven 13
As of yesterday spring truly ingraitated itself to me that the lingering feeling of winter is completely gone. Grey Goose hosted select personalities (and their plus one) to a delicious lunch and yummy custom-designed cocktails at DW Eleven – 13, Dunkeld.

Just about err-verr-reeee-body was there. We are talking quality here, not quanity. In spite the endless cocktails it was laid back affair and, for me anyway, a momentary escape from admin ridden workday. In the beginning I couldn’t decide if I was in attendance as a blogger or a guest. Very early on I opted latter and the end result is some dodgey-like photos from the afternoon. The lunch itself was lovely though.

Jeannie D, Kevin Snyman & Claire Mawisa
Tibz, Amu & AKA


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