Tuesday, June 5

Living Off The Streets

34 year old Lowrence, who is in the league of Jozi’s feather-duster and broom sellers, hawks his wares at an intersection in the ‘burbs. He’s also designated himself to keep the intersection clean. Periodically Lowrence will either walk around with a black bag for motorists to throw their rubbish into or he’ll pick up a broom to sweep the street and pavement.  For his effort he solicits donations from motorists so can he can buy food and put his eight year child through school. In a city where littering is rampant because it is viewed as ‘job creation’, Lowrence is fills the gap where the waste management agencies hardly reach. It is more productive than standing/kneeling and begging for a handout. I wonder if it’s enough of a start to break the cycle of poverty?

Litter is a massive problem in Mnasi. The private sector is trying to assist but some of the local recycle centres struggle to keep up with the amount of waste being dropped off at their bins, with most overflowing for days on end. On the plus side we now have more recycling initiatives when about three years ago they barely existed.  There are, however, many stumbling blocks to overcome for recycling to be counted as one of our successful waste reduction strategies.

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