Thursday, May 31

Police Shoot Two Suspects in Yeoville. One Killed. (Updated)

*Update*  Elijah Phekani (40) lies critically wounded in hospital after being shot by police in Yeoville on Wednesday, 30 May at about 7:30pm. Mike Vinthenga unfortunately died on the scene from his gunshot wounds.

According fellow Yeoville residents, Elijah and his friend Mike were walking toward their Uno which was stationed on the corner of Cavendish and Francis streets. It was here that they were approached by policeman driving in a marked Golf GTI and that casually asked both men to stop. Knowing that they had a plastic bag full of marijuana in the Uno the two suspects ignored the order and continued walking to their parked car. Elijah got into the passenger side car.  As Mike was about to get into the driver’s side the policed, armed with R12 rifles (serious armament), the shot Mike and continued to shoot at Elijah whom at this point was sitting in the passenger side.  In the fracas of shots being fire a child walking was shot in the leg.  Mike Vinthenga died on the scene.  

The community is angered as they believe the police used excessive violence against unarmed men. The police have allegedly claimed there was a third person with Mike and Elijah and that this individual was armed which lead to them shooting ‘back’ at the two men.  A witness disputes this and others say this was not possible for there to be a third suspect as the Uno is a two-door car.

When I got to Yeoville the residents were marching to the police station to protest the violent killing Mike Vinthenga and injuries sustained by Elijah Phekhani.  The angry crowd where informed by the Yeoville station commander that their march was illegal if permission was not obtained from the City of Johanneburg. The crowd then quitened down and three community members went into the police to enquire about the incident.

Upon their return the representatives told this waiting crowd that according to the police:
-       the Yeoville police are saddened and as shocked by the terrible incident
-       a murder cast against the police involved has been opened
-       it also came to the fore that the police involved in the shooting are NOT from the Yeoville precinct thus casting more suspicion to the cast
-       the officers that shot at the suspects where both off duty at the time of the shooting
-       all evidence has been handed over to the Independent Complaints Directorate for investigation

The community is quick to point that Mike and Elijah where not innocent, however they do feel the police are perpetrators of disproportionate violence against the male populace of Yeoville with the majority being Rastahs.

Funeral arrangements for Mike Billiat Vinthenga are still to be confirmed.

1 comment:

  1. Is there any more news on this case? Has Elijah Phekani recovered?
